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Donaldson Subdivision - Topuni

Donaldson Subdivision0001 1 1 Subdivision consent was sought to create one additional rural lot with a balance lot. 

The site has a natural boundary along the eastern portion of the site. (Topuni River)  In cases where a site adjoins a river and the new lot being created is less than 4 hectares, an esplanade reserve is to vest.

New Zealand Railway's is also located on the western boundary of the site.

There were a number of issues associated with this subdivision, which included:
  • The natural boundary and esplanade vesting;
  • Access over New Zealand Railway land;
  • Access to the site from Oruawharo Road
All these issues were dealt with through the consent process and the Kaipara District Council approved the subdivision non-notified.




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021 302 340